• Goal - Having Google “Index” Your Firm’s Website: Based on traffic, content updates, links, etc. Google will “Index” you Firm’s website which enables it to actually be discovered (the ability to appear in actual Google search results).

  • Task - Claim/Connect Your Firm’s Website to Google Search Console: Google Search Console demonstrates your Firm’s Website’s Degree (if any) of Indexing which enables your Firm’s Website to naturally appear in Google search results - See corresponding video here: Google Search Console

  • Task - Create Outgoing Links: Ensure your Firm’s website has a few Links to external quality websites (government, professional organizations, statutory materials or websites.

  • Task - Obtain Incoming Links: Ensure your Firm’s website has external sources referring to your Firm’s website which creates it as an “authority” for searches.

  • Task - JPG vs. PNG Website Images: Generally speaking PNG should be used for icons, logos and general images. Larger JPG should be used for needed high quality website images but JPG will generally slow website download speeds which hurts SEO speed ranking. Attempt to reduce image size as long as visual remains consistent in order to counter the delayed website download speed.

  • Task - Develop “Sub-Keywords” : Keywords are the terms that help Google Search engine locate and identify content. Contemplate and develop keywords that are specific to your Firm’s skills and interests. Do not develop general terms but use specific terms such as “Dallas alcohol stop”; “Denton alcohol arrest”; “Alcohol breathalyzer”; “Dallas Police Illegal Stop”; etc. Sites such as UbberSuggest.io or AnswerThePublic.com or AlsoAsked.com provide ideas to help develop searched for focused non-generic “keywords” that are subject to being discovered and searched for within the Google search engine. Here is an additional explanation on how to select “Sub-Keywords”. Developing Your "Sub-KeyWords"


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